#1 Doors

A selection of doorways, for your eyes and ears, from makers all around the world:

Celia Morton - is a 24-year old audio producer born in Sweden, but raised in Costa Rica. She is currently a student at College of the Atlantic in Maine, USA, where she studies audio-storytelling. Her work plays with several languages and soundscapes to create a world which mirrors her over-saturated brain. 


Nanou Thassinda - is an activist and Women's Facilitator Coordinator for Migrants Organise, originally from the Congo, Nanou has suffered a 9 year battle with the UK’s Home Office fighting for legal asylum.

Darya Sannikova - is from St. Petersburg, Russia. They work as a producer in podcasts, film, and tech. They embrace a nomadic lifestyle because it allows them to explore the world and themself through travels



Zara Karschay - (zarakarschay.com) is a writer and artist living in Hamburg. She is published in The Baffler, The Gettysburg Review, New Humanist, and elsewhere. Her audio work has appeared on BBC World Service, Resonance FM, and at the Smithsonian Group’s Hirshhorn Museum. 

With special thanks to her Voice Actors: Vicky Gaskin, Tom Newman, Nicky Diss, and Zara Karschay


Martin Zaltz Austwick - is an audiomaker, musician, writer, and
performer. He is in some part responsible for Neutrinowatch, Song by
Song and Answer Me This, performs live with The Allusionist, and has
written music for and produced other podcasts you might have listened
to. You can find him on most social media platforms @martinaustwick or
on his website martinzaltzaustwick.com.


Jeff Emtman - is an artist and sound designer living in Berlin. He makes the documentary podcast Here Be Monsters.  He is also the co-creator of Neutrinowatch, a procedurally generated semi-fiction podcast.


Tess Davidson - is an audio producer, sound designer and writer from the north of Ireland currently based in London. She has produced for the Tate Britain and Serpentine Galleries, as well for BBC Radio 3, Radio 4 and RTÉ in Ireland.

Eloïse Bertil - Eloïse is a bilingual French-English podcast producer, marketer and freelance writer based in London. In her free time, she enjoys making short audio art as a form of catharsis and to experiment with audio storytelling.



Karolina Szulejewska -  is a teacher of German as a foreign language, translator, and audio storyteller for Deutschlandfunk Kultur, based in Berlin. 



M. Cristina Marras - is a sound explorer who tells stories that transcend traditional boundaries, challenging the conventional relationship between creator and audience. 

Thank you to all our amazing makers in this round. We hope you enjoy and feel inspired!

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#2 Windows