#2 Windows

Our next prompt is Windows, please send us your window inspired pieces by 15th October.

SmallAudioArt: Every other month we issue a prompt inviting artists to explore themes of belonging and identity, through every day objects found inside a home. This month’s prompt invites you to create a short piece which explores windows. It could be your window, or somebody else’s window. We invite you to be as playful with the theme as you like!

All languages and all art forms are welcome, whether your medium is written, photograph, video, poetry.

Please send your submission along with a photograph/drawing of your window. For audio suggested length is one to ten minutes, sent as an mp3. end your pieces, along with any questions to: mcindoephoebe@gmail.com


Is the window symbolic or real?
does it hold warmth or let in cold?
does it look out onto beauty or non beauty?
does it have a particular sound? a quality? a music?
what do you see? or miss? or wish you saw?
what changes in the room when the window is open?
describe the light, the colour, the structure
what is the history? the voice? the perspective?

SmallAudioArt is a collective inviting artists to explore themes of belonging, safety and identity, through the lens of everyday objects found around the home: windows, doors, kitchen tables. The radio programme weaves together these object artworks and sonic responses to create communal space for reflection and togetherness.


#1 Doors